
Call: Expression of Interest for MSMEs to participate in BIOFACH 2023
23 January 2023
ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM is going to BIOFACH fair with the aim of establishing business alliances
8 February 2023

PowerWorms 1st LTT in Patras, Greece

The Powerworms Project held its first learning, training, and teaching event in Patras, Greece, between 31 January and 02 February 2023, hosted by Innotomia and Innopolis. 

The event kicked off with an introduction to the venue, Patras Science Park, by the legal representative of Innotomia. Presenations were made on Vermicomposting terminology, existing applications, and technologies in the field of interactive education applications. Additionally, Prof Georgios Salachas, Prof Panagiotis Chatzipapas, and Dr. Theophanis Tsapikounis from Patras University provided valuable insights to participants on Compost production in Greece and its perspective, Vermicompost Educational Requirements, and Compost, Production, and Applications, respectively. 

During the event, the group also visited GeoSolution, a company specializing in compost and vermicompost production, where officials provided participants with useful information on production processes and mechanization requirements. 

For more information about the Powerworms Project, visit the official website at