
PASSAGE: Participation in RAMSES training, Athens
16 February 2017
PASSAGE: Thematic seminar on environment and attractiveness strategies
31 March 2017

PASSAGE: Stakeholder meeting in Lecce

The cross-border meeting, that took place at Council Hall-Provincia di Lecce (Lecce, Italy) on Monday 27 March 2017, aimed at defining a shared action plan for low-carbon transition in the Straits of Otranto and Corfu (Albania/Greece/Italy). Province of Lecce, InnoPolis and Regional Council of Vlora invited the local stakeholders from both shores of the maritime border to attend the meeting and share their ideas on priority areas of cooperation for low-carbon transition.

Among the stakeholders from Italy were the University of Salento-Laboratory of Coastal Monitoring Systems, the Polytechnic of Bari-Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture and the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC). The Greek side was represented by the Ministry of Environment and Energy-Climate Change Department and the Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes.

The stakeholders were informed about the aims and the outputs of the project, and they defined the main issues and ideas of actions for two main topics of the project: low-carbon transportation; environment and attractiveness strategies. They had the opportunity to discuss about the various funding possibilities for cross-border low-carbon initiatives, in the perspective of the future action plan. Finally, they agreed to meet again in a few months having in mind new ideas and proposals.
