
AWARD: Stakeholders meeting in Lechaina, Greece
19 December 2014
21 December 2014

Mission / Aims

InnoPolis mission is characterized by the continuous pursuit of actions related to inter-regional innovation taking into account the cultural dimension.

Therefore InnoPolis aims are:

  • To act as a catalyst and promote collaboration among different innovation policies/approaches/national systems/programmes etc. and relevant authorities and organizations with a view to establish synergetic activities at all levels and spaces: local, national, transnational, regional, supranational, worldwide.
  • To promote Research and Technological Development initiatives and undertake and participate in studies and research and deployment activities on technological and social innovation with particular concern on their cultural impact.
  • To develop a space-platform for dialogue on competitiveness and innovation and societal values among different stakeholders – including governments, private sector and civil society at all different levels
  • To promote participation of organizations dealing with cultural identity and diversity in innovation priority setting and undertake development and diffusion of innovative solutions in different economic sectors
  • To develop and disseminate innovative tools and methods in relation to different application areas with emphasis on sustainable development and cultural tourism
  • To contribute to the inter-cultural dialogue in Europe and at global level and promote adoption of innovative approaches towards establishment of a knowledge equitable society.
  • To promote participation of non-profit civil society organizations dealing with diverse scientific domains including their cultural expressions & cross thematic Multicultural dialogue in the decision making process about innovation policy for the benefit of their respective regions and EU integration.
  • To develop and implement awareness raising, education and training initiatives on above priorities

Founders & associates
Executive from the EU Integration networks of excellence domain, ex National & EU Officials & Regional practitioners, Academia & research fellows, Business Community represenatives.