Innovative Toolkit for Excellence in High Potentials

IT4HP aims to train teachers to assist gifted students and meet their needs. The project will provide practical interventions and a guidebook for teachers, facilitating gifted and talented students for their potential improvement and success.

Programme: Erasmus+ KA220-SCH | Cooperation Partnerships In School Education
Project Code: 2021-2-AT01-KA220-SCH-000049231


ITforHP aims to train teachers to assist gifted students and meet their needs. The project will provide practical interventions and a guidebook for teachers in art, music, memory, science, math, etc., facilitating gifted and talented students for their potential improvement and success.

In line with the conditions stipulated by the Pandemic and the vision put forward by the European Commission, the project’s concreate objectives are as follows:


  • To enhance knowledge of gifted and talented students’ capabilities in creativity, memory, art, music, and academics.
  • To raise awareness for the educational, social, and emotional development of gifted and talented students.
  • To provide a more inclusive understanding and trust for gifted students and parents.
  • To flourish a positive, permanent effect on the gifted and talented students’ lives.
  • To improve teachers’ knowledge, competence, and skills with teaching strategies for reinforcing gifted and talented students in a creative online educational process.
  • To improve teachers’ capacity to reinforce gifted and talented students.
  • To raise awareness of teachers for gifted and talented students’ social development.
  • To increasing teachers’ relevance for using mobile devices to use for gifted and talented students.
  • To develop teachers’ ICT skills and competence with accessible educational mobile applications.
  • To raise awareness for using assessment with training.

Project Partners