Adriatic Model of Sustainable Mobility in the Health & Care Sector
AdriHealthMob deals with the Strategic Priority of sustainable transport services, focusing on the specific sector of Health and Care, where mobility is increasing and showing an enormous potential within the cross-border environment.
Programme: IPA Adriatic CBC 2007-2013
The project aims at developing sustainable transport services, models and schemes addressing a cross-border health and care system in the whole Adriatic area. Through the involvement of project beneficiaries and the realization of the workplan, AdriHealthMob will succeed in making transports services for health and care safer, more rationale, connected, environment respectful, functional and smart.
AdriHealthMob addresses the needs to define a sustainable model of transport for health and care, making accessibility and mobility of passengers/travellers safer and more rational, reducing those useless or optimising those necessary.
It intends to provide consistent solutions to those needs, through: the promotion and the creation of the Adriatic cross-border health and care area; the definition and the implementation of the related transport services; the introduction of ICT (eHealth, mHealth, teleHealth); the implementation of specific and tailored mobility solutions; the establishment of protocols and joint integrated planning practices to make the Adriatic basin the most innovative experience of transport for health and care.
- Collect, systemize and analyze data, information, documents, policies, financial performances and operational strategies, to create the most functional cross border transport model for health and care.
- Introduce ICTs in health& care focusing the mobility across the Adriatic macro-region, to integrate, to upgrade, to rationalize and to optimize the different type of transfers.
- Modernize/adapt existing infrastructures, making them accessible for health and care by efficient and sustainable transport.
- Promote joint rules, protocols and planning of transport services for health and care, leading to efficient mobility, savings and including health and care needs in transport models.
- To identify and to map experiences of excellence in the Adriatic region able to match health and care with sustainable transport models, creating a network of innovative mobility accessible at a cross border level.
- Define pilot initiatives of sustainable transport and to experiment sustainable models to test and validate innovative solutions.
- Provide proposals, guidelines and recommendations for a sustainable, intersectoral, integrated and cross border transport strategy for the health and care system.
Project Partners
- LB – Federal Ministry of Health of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA
- FB1 – Association for Promotion of Local Development and Education MSC, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA
- FB2 – Polytechnic University of Marche, IT
- FB3 –Agency for Accreditation of Health Care Institutions of Serbia
- FB4 – Ministry of Health of Montenegro
- FB5 – Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia
- FB6 – Tetras business consulting, limited liability company, SLOVENIA
- FB7 – Durres Regional Hospital, ALBANIA
- FB8 – Business and Economy Promotion Center, ALBANIA
- FB9 – Social Cooperative COOSS Marche, IT
- FB10 – Marche Nord Hospital, IT
- FB11 – CNR National Research Council – IFC Institute of Clinical Physiology, IT
- FB12 – InnoPolis – Centre for Innovation and Culture, Greece
- FB13 – Ionian University, Greece
- FB14 – Softpro ltd, IT
- As1 – Federal Ministry Transport and Communications, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA
- As2 – P.C.Sarajevo International Airport, limited Liability Company, Sarajevo, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA