Service Contract Shortlist Notice_AHM_TECH_17/1/2014
22 February 2018ΘΕΣΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ: Τεχνική, Οικονομική & Διοικητική υποστήριξη του έργου SYMBIOSIS (κωδ: 066)
1 March 2018Conference: Smart islands & small cities
InnoPolis (partner of Interreg Europe PASSAGE project) attended the conference “Smart islands & small cities: Policies, Technologies, Financing Solutions & Good Practices” organized by the Aegean Energy and Environment Agency (AEGEA), DAFNI Network of Sustainable Greek Islands and, on 22-23 February 2018 at the Ionic Centre in Athens.
The aim of the conference was to network institutional actors with self-government, business and citizens, and to capitalize on European experience and new opportunities for programme funding.