PASSAGE: Participation in Communication Seminar, Athens
30 September 2016PASSAGE: Meeting in Helsinki
25 November 2016PASSAGE: Project seminar in Fehmarnbelt
Innopolis participated at the first seminar of PASSAGE project which took place in the Fehmarnbelt region (German-Danish maritime border) at the invitation of Femernbelt Development, partner of the project.
The seminar was dedicated to presentations of the different partner institutions and maritime borders. A specific focus was done on the cross-border policy instruments selected by project partners. Local perspectives were given through field visits around the tunnel project between the two shores of the Fehmarnbelt and questions about its impacts on carbon emissions.
The seminar ended with a workshop to precisely define the content of the study that was launched after the seminar, which helped the project partners to better understand the sources and the impacts of carbon emissions in their maritime border region in the perspective of drafting action plans.