
11 February 2016
Call for Expression of Interest for External Assistance Under ADRIHEALTHMOB
23 May 2016

AHM: Workshop, round table & JTU meeting in Corfu

InnoPolis Centre for Innovation and Culture in collaboration with Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Lab (Department of Informatics) of Ionian University organised the “Local workshop, round table and JTU meeting” in Corfu. The event was organised in the frame of in the frame of IPA ADRIATIC strategic project Adriatic Model of Sustainable Mobility in the Health & Care Sector (AdriHealthMob) and it took place at Ionian University on 23-24 February 2016.




AdriHealthMob project and its Activities in the Macroregion of Adriatic-Ionion, Mr. Ioannis Papagiannopoulos, Innopolis Centre for Innovation and Culture

Added value activities from Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Lab (BiHELab) for AdriHealthMob, Dr. Panagiotis Vlamos, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Informatics, Ionian University

Integrated care in Greek public medical practice, Dr. Theodore Vontetsianos, MD, PhD, Consultant Pulmonary Physician and Head of the e-Health Unit at “Sotiria” General Hospital of Athens, Coordinator of the Greek EIP on AHA Network

Cooss Marche system for public hospitals and Home Care (Municipality Programmes) in Italy, Mr. Ilir Qose, Project Manager Cooss Marche

Innovation in Health Sector in Apulia, Eng. Giuseppe Cavallo, UNIVERSUS CSEI

eHealth Innovations: empowering patients, enabling better health care, Dr. Emil Valchinov, Team Member of Biomedical Technology Unit (BITU)

Regional hospitals and health services –need for support with e-health services, Mrs. Alma Tedeschini, Regional Hospital Durres, Albania

Care at Home programme: problems and difficulties, Mr. Sotirios Kasianis, President of the Organization for the Social Protection and Education of the Municipality of Corfu