
Service Contract Shortlist Notice_AHM_Ext. Meet. & Events_15/1/2014
25 November 2015
Notification Letter to Tenderers for AHM_Ext.TECH_17/1/2014 call for Expression of Interest
25 November 2015

Notification Letter to Tenderers for AHM_Ext. Meet. & Events call for Expression of Interest

Notification Letter to Tenderers for AHM_Ext. Meet. & Events_15/01/2014 call for Expression of Interest

“Adriatic Model of Sustainable Mobility in the Health & Care Sector- AdriHealthMob”

1.Publication Reference

AHM_Ext. Meet. & Events_15/01/2014

2.Publication date of the Notification Letter


3. Number of applications received


4. Names of Tenderers applying for AHM_Ext. Meet. & Events_15/01/2014-Call for Expression of Interest

-1. Ratio Technical Vocational Training Centre


Ratio Technical Vocational Training Centre is selected for external assistant with contract value 18.000,00euro till the project end,

We draw your attention to the legal remedies available to you to contest this decision.


Yours sincerely,

Katerina Sotiropoulou

President InnoPolis